Executing your strategic plan is as important, or even more important, than your strategy itself. Critical actions move a strategic plan from a document that sits on the shelf to actions that drive organizational growth. The sad reality is that the majority of organizations who have strategic plans fail to implement. Don’t be part of the majority! In fact, research has shown that 70% of organizations that have a formal execution process out-perform their peers. (Kaplan & Norton). Read on to learn how to make the most of your performance management process.
Guiding your work in this stage of the planning process is a schedule for the next 12 months that spells out when the quarterly strategy reviews are, who is involved, what participants need to bring to the meetings and how you will adapt the plan based on the outcomes of the reviews.
You remain in this phase of the strategic performance management process until you embark on the next formal planning sessions where you start back at the beginning. Remember that successful execution of your plan relies on appointing a strategy director, training your team to use OnStrategy (or any other planning tool), effectively driving accountability, and gaining organizational commitment to the process.
Action | Who is Involved | Tools & Techniques | Estimated Duration |
Establish implementation schedule | Planning Team |
1-2 hours |
Train your team to use OnStrategy to manage their part of the plan | HR Team, Department Managers & Teams |
1 hr per team member |
Review progress and adapt the plan at Quarterly Strategy Reviews (QBR) | Department Teams + Executive Team |
Department QBR: 2 hrs Organizational QBR: 4 hrs |
*To access the worksheets under “Tools & Techniques” please refer to our Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies.
OnStrategy is the leader in strategic planning and performance management. Our cloud-based software and hands-on services closes the gap between strategy and execution. Learn more about OnStrategy here.
Implementation is the process that turns strategies and plans into actions in order to accomplish strategic objectives and goals. Whereas the strategic plan addresses the what and why of activities, implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how. It is believed that implementation is as important, or even more important, than strategy. The fact is that both are critical to success. In fact, organizations can gain competitive advantage through implementation if done effectively. Below is a sample planning calendar that can help aid you in executing and rolling out your plan successfully. Once your resources are in place, you can set your implementation schedule.
Monthly strategy performance management meetings don’t need to take a lot of time ‘ 30 to 60 minutes should suffice. But it is important that key team members report on their progress toward the goals they are responsible for – including reporting on metrics in the scorecard they have been assigned.
By using the measurements already established, it’s easy to make course corrections if necessary. You should also commit to reviewing your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) during these regular meetings.
Never lose sight of the fact that strategic plans are guidelines, not rules. Every six months or so, you should evaluate your plan implementation by asking these key questions:
Here is a list of lessons that are usually learned the hard way. Because you want your plan to succeed, heed the advice here and stay away from these common pitfalls of implementing your strategic plan:
Remember, it’s easier to avoid pitfalls when they’re clearly defined. Now that you know what they are, you’re more likely to jump right over them!
Restricting the meeting to reporting on measurements can help you stay on task and keep the meeting within 30 minutes, but if you can commit to a full hour, the meeting agenda should also include some time devoted to working on one specific topic or on one of the quarter’s priorities where decisions need to be made. Once agreed upon, this topic should be developed to conclusion.
Consider these additional tips for making your strategy meetings more effective:
Holding meetings helps focus your goals on accomplishing top priorities and accelerating growth of the organization. Although the meeting structure is relatively simple, it does require a high degree of discipline.
Holding regular strategy reviews is the key to implementing your strategic plan, making the numbers, achieving your company goals, and, finally, making strategy a habit for everyone involved. These meetings will give you the ability to manage activities that drive future results and hold people accountable for making sure those activities happen.
According to a past Fortune cover story, 86% of business owners and managers spend less than one hour per month discussing strategy. Not surprisingly, this same article also reported that nine out of ten organizations failed to implement their strategic plan. Quarterly and, in particular, monthly strategy meetings allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of your strategic planning efforts and make any necessary adjustments before it becomes too late.
Key Points between Operational Status and Strategic Performance Meetings:
Strategy Review Meetings
Operational Review Meetings
*To access the worksheets under “Tools & Techniques” please refer to our Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies.
Monthly Strategy Review Meetings: Purpose
The monthly strategy review meeting is the heartbeat of the strategic performance management process. In order for a plan to be an effective management tool, it must be up-to-date, guide decision making and be top of mind. Therefore consistent review and monitoring of the plan is necessary to know if we are on or off course and to modify the course if necessary.
Required Attendees: Executive Strategy Team
Date, Time, Frequency: Once a month, 1 hour
Input to Meetings: Only relevant comments that week from updated goals
Individual Handouts for Meeting: Department Managers’Department Action Plans (weekly) / Strategy Director’Full Plan with Progress’for all (monthly).
The three words strategic planning off-site provoke reactions anywhere from sheer exuberance to ducking for cover. In many organizations, retreats have a bad reputation because stepping into one of the many planning pitfalls is so easy. Holding effective meetings can be tough, and if you add a lot of brainpower mixed with personal agendas, you can have a recipe for disaster. That’s why so many strategic planning meetings are unsuccessful. This section focuses on the ten guaranteed ways to ruin your next meeting and what to do to avoid them in advance.
Make sure to find a facilitator who understands and runs strategic planning meetings regularly. You want someone who can keep the meeting on task and guide the process so you achieve the desired outcome of a strategic plan.
Some research is better than none. So if you find yourself in a pinch the day before or the day of the meeting, do what you can to get data about your customers’ needs, your competitors’ actions, and your employees’ opinions. You need the right information in order to feel confident in your strategic decision making.
Although it’s imperative that key employees have a voice in planning, not everyone has to literally be at the meeting table. Too many people in the room can lead to chaos and confusion, resulting in a strategic plan by committee instead of through educated decisions and leadership.
Strategic management should be a habit, not an event. Hold your strategy meetings regularly (more than once a year) to realize enhanced performance. With that said, annual retreats are okay, but make sure they’re not your only meetings of the year.
Strategic thinking is hard work. It takes a lot of mental energy to pull all the pieces of the puzzle together, see the future, make strategic decisions, and organize the plan usefully. By then end of most strategic planning meetings, people are mentally exhausted. Getting through the agenda is usually what it takes to have a completed plan. However, sometimes getting it all done just isn’t possible. Focus on the outcomes instead of the exact agenda.
A good facilitator explains the strategic planning process and the expected outcome of the meeting from the get-go. Most people think they know how to develop a strategic plan, but that doesn’t mean they truly can. Naturally, you don’t want to insult anyone’s intelligence, but take the time to review the different terms used in strategic planning and each step of the process. By making sure that everyone starts on the same page, you eliminate any confusion that may derail your meeting.
Of course, everyone thinks like you, right? As a good leader, you know that’s not the case. Unfortunately, sometimes you forget what’s obvious and end up structuring a meeting based on your own preferences. In reality, stepping into other people’s shoes and ways of thinking is a difficult task. But in strategic planning, you want everyone in the room engaged.
Would you like to see a strategic planning meeting go down in flames? Forge ahead, even though you know you have some staff issues. If any key staff member is upset or has an outstanding problem, your strategic planning meeting may be disrupted. That person may sit in the meeting like a brooding elephant and finally blow his top and get the meeting off course.
The best way to get people jazzed about the plan is to have them visualize success and ensure that everyone is comfortable with the work product. What does success look like? Help your team feel successful by living the future today. Ask your team to draw a picture of what the company may look like if you achieve your strategic plan. How many employees? What is the office like? Where are you located? Who are your customers? What’s the media saying? And so on. Then have your team explain its vision to the group. After the drawings and explanations are over, tell your staff members to hang their creations at their desks to remind them of the plan and their part in it. That way, everyone leaves the planning session feeling successful, bought in to the decisions that were made and not overworked.
The absolute worst thing you can do is continue business as usual, as though you never had a strategic planning off-site. Not only have you wasted everyone’s time and your money, but you’ve also made it nearly impossible to get people to participate in the future.