Three Steps to Keeping Vision Cloud-Free

Jun 27, 2014

As you move forward in business, it’s vital to have a clear vision for your future.

We’re not saying that by doing so, you’ll be able to predict the future; if you could, you probably wouldn’t be reading this post.

What we’re talking about is having a clear vision for your organization’s future that is both actionable and obtainable. A weak vision can allow you to become off-course, imbalanced, and unclear about what your next move should be.

Sparks Christian Fellowship (SCF) in Sparks, NV was challenged with such problem. In an environment where they receive many outstanding ideas and projects, it can be difficult to choose which ones to act on as an organization.

Here are three steps SCF took to remove the clouds from their vision.

Step One: Remember, sometimes yes results in no.

Sometimes saying “Yes” to every project or idea is a huge hindrance to where your organization is going, ultimately diluting your impact by doing too much. After assessing their current situation, they understood that drastic changes were needed to redefine the vision of their organization.

SCF is unique in that they operate as a “Marketplace Ministry”, meaning they manage the shopping center where they are located. This unique opportunity gives SCF ability create a true community “hub.” However, in their current operations, they weren’t taking full advantage of the resources that were already available to them.

Step Two: Lean back and tune in.

After taking a step back, SCF they recognized their need to refocus their efforts back into their own church and community using the unique resources they have available to them. This new vision will create a collective synergy and excitement about their future, putting everyone within the church on the same page.

Step Three: Look for the gaps.

When creating your vision statement, it’s a great time to take a step back and really assess your organization. Sometime, you can see gaps where you aren’t using your resources and opportunities to their full potential. Once you understand where your organization truly lies, you can develop a clear, concise vision statement that can guide your organization as it changes and grows.

For a deep dive on Vision Statements, check out our post on all things vision.



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