Six Questions to Jump-start Strategic Planning

If you’re like most organizations you’re probably starting the strategic planning process.

Too often, open-forum discussion with stakeholders and planning teams are simply a wash, spin, and repeat cycle from the previous year. Each year the same questions are asked.

Don’t do it.
During the design of your organization’s strategic direction what questions will you ask? What do you hope to learn differently?

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Here are six questions to ask, which you might have not considered.

  • Why do we exist?
  • How will we behave?
  • Where are we going?
  • How will we succeed?
  • What is most important right “now”?
  • What isn’t important?

Without asking the right questions from the get-go, your organization can kiss that action-based strategic plan goodbye. You’ll simply go through the motions of strategic planning, creating a plan which will just collect dust on a shelf.

Think you already know the answers? Don’t be so sure. Thoughtful questions and debate are part of the fundamental foundation for defining a strategic direction that is both comprehensive and actionable.

Creating alignment around how your organization answers these questions is one of the first inputs driving the strategic planning process. It helps drive engagement, focus and prioritization for the strategic planning process. You’ll likely be surprised by what you learn.

StrategyCheck: Are you driving engagement by asking the right questions?



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