See How Community Engagement Expedited the Planning Process in Douglas County, NV

One of the most common misconceptions about the planning process is that it simply takes too long to complete. There are undeniably hurdles in completing a plan and moving it into execution, but it doesn’t always mean that planning is a long, drawn out process.

We’ve recently facilitated the planning process with Douglas County in Nevada and have been struck by how quickly the process moved – and more importantly, how the quality of their plan didn’t suffer because they sped through the planning process.

They did, however, do their due-diligence in involving the community in the planning process. The result? An actionable plan that reflects their citizen’s wants and needs. Here’s a few quick takeaways how they’ve made the best of the planning process:

  • They involved their community: Douglas County collected feedback from their community so they could create a plan that directly impacts the needs and wants of their community.
  • They acted: Douglas County didn’t just sweep community input under the rug. They embraced it and took steps to make it actionable in their community.
  • Swift approval: Focused strategic priorities allowed the board of county commissioners to approve and put budgets in motion to begin strategic execution.

The key takeaway from Douglas County’s planning process was their diligence and dedication to acting on community feedback. Doing so allowed them to create a focused plan quickly to address what was most important to community members.



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