Doña Ana County Hires OnStrategy to Create a 5-Year Strategic Plan

Oct 31, 2012

(Doña Ana County, New Mexico) Oct. 25, 2012 – Doña Ana County awarded OnStrategy a contract to create a 5- year strategic plan that would adhere to the current quality of life goals, prepare for growth and be aligned with its One Vision One Valley 2040 Regional Plan.

Doña Ana County wants the new 5-year strategic plan to capture the strong sense of community and better prepare the county’s 800+ employees for continued economic and population growth. Feedback from locals, county employees, and department leaders is being incorporated into the plan. OnStrategy has already collected feedback from department directors, county staff and volunteers through surveys. The process will consist of three phases beginning this fall and completing in April 2013. All will be able see the priorities and progress of the plan through the use of OnStrategy’s online strategic planning dashboard, The Dash.

“I recommended OnStrategy because their proposal clearly addressed the requirements in the RFP (request for proposal) and was easy to read and apply to our needs,” said Jamie Michael, Health and Human Services Department Manager. “The budget was also clear, appropriate, and competitive.”

OnStrategy’s success with the City of Las Cruces’ strategic planning process also lead to the county’s decision to hire them for their new 5-year process. Las Cruces, located within Doña Ana County, has been ranked as one of the fastest-growing communities in America for the past decade. A case study of that work can be viewed here.

A facilitated strategy session was held last week with the Board of County Commissioners, elected officials and department directors. Everyone involved was able to provide input in determining priorities and the direction the county will take in developing their strategic plan.

“Serving communities well is not a stagnant proposition as counties like Doña Ana fully understand,” OnStrategy COO Erica Olsen said. “They exist in a dynamic environment, where planning is the best way to anticipate challenges and optimize the flow of services to its citizens. It’s an honor to be back in southern New Mexico, as ultimately our work is about improving how organizations serve people through meaningful visions and sustainable practices.”

About Doña Ana County:

Doña Ana County is the second-most populated county in the state of New Mexico. The county seat, Las Cruces (another OnStrategy client), has been ranked as one of the fastest-growing communities in the United States for the past decade. Doña Ana County’s employees are proud participants in the national Character Counts! Initiative to promote ethics in the workplace. The county is characterized by a strong sense of community that is enhanced by a rural lifestyle that includes friendly residents, a variety of local produce and foods, and a setting where you can still see the stars.

About OnStrategy:

OnStrategy is a strategic planning firm dedicated to helping businesses and non-profits implement their plan and strategy for long-term success. OnStrategy’s keystone service, OnStrategy (, won the 2008 Stevie Award for Best New Product. Its web-based platform makes it easy and affordable to formulate, execute and integrate a strategic plan into the workflow of any organization. OnStrategy’s COO Erica Olsen authored “Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies, 2nd Edition” (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Nov, 2011). OnStrategy’s personal service guides clients through the strategic planning process to better align their resources for the biggest impact possible.



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