Strategy Development in the Church

Jan 20, 2011

An OnStrategy team member recently attended service at a local church, Living Stones Church in Reno ( as they do most Sunday’s and caught a message regarding the church’s mission, vision and strategy.  While strategy development in a church is different from that of a non-profit, government or for-profit organization, the mission and vision remain the cornerstone of the plan.  It is the organizational objectives and goals followed by the implementation that may/will differ.

As with any strategic plan, it does no good living on a shelf.  Important to Living Stones was the strategic plan implementation and sharing it with the congregation.  On this Sunday message, Pastor Harvey took the opportunity to share the plan with members of the church, the ones that need to support in its execution.

For a replay of the message, click here.

OnStrategy also has a strategic planning platform for church’s at MyChurchPlan.  Co-owners Nancy & Howard Olsen, authored an article on creating a strategic plan for churches – why God calls us to plan.  The articles can be found toward the bottom of the page on MyChurchPlan, or directly below:

One Comment

  1. Alfred B.M. Sure says:

    Dear Sir,
    Praise God. I am born again and love the Lord Jesus as my personal saviour. I appreciate your input in planning. I consult with a small consulting firm i founded now 1 year helping schools and churches. Kindly let me know how we can partner in training within the african rural context and the resources that u can avail for me to contextualise. God bless you and increase you.

    Yours in the Lord’s vineyard,

    Rev. Alfred Sure



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