Strategic Planning Alleviating the Stress of Change in San Francisco

Learn how the City and County of San Francisco’s Department of Technology’s strategic plan has been pivotal in helping relieve the stress of a leadership change.
We can say with fidelity that one constant is consistent across all organizations, no matter the type; change is constant.

Changing workplaces, changing communities, and changing customers all impact the way organizations are run. But, changing leadership can be an even bigger (and more stressful) shift.

We’ve been working with the City and County of San Francisco during the past year on both the development and execution of their Department of Technology plan. With the announcement of a new CIO, we’ve been reminded how a strategic plan can be an important tool to rely on during times of big change. Here’s why:

  • You have a full performance report: Everything from sales to financial metrics are articulated in performance reports. Strategic plans can provide a detailed report on the health of the organization without digging around too deep.
  • New leaders can see progress to date: Quickly seeing what progress has been made to date gives new leaders an understanding of what progress has been made.
  • It helps new leaders see where you’ve been and where you’re going: Understanding the progression of an organization paints a clearer picture of an incoming leader.
  • It shows the organization’s clearly articulated focus: Plain and simple, a new leader can see what the focus has been.
  • It helps new leaders quickly identify what they might want to change: The strategic plan provides insight into the core of an organization. Providing this information up-front may allow an incoming leader to quickly identify changes they’d like to see.



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