Reducing Crime and Increasing Community Engagement in Charlotte, North Carolina

Aug 10, 2017

Police departments around the country face significant challenges in reducing crime while at the same time maintaining a positive image within their communities. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) is no different.

For nearly a year, OnStrategy has been helping CMPD take a long view on strategy through the creation and adoption of a strategic plan that not only drives an overall reduction in crime, but also focuses on community engagement and staff professional development.

During CMPD’s recent mid-year plan review, department leadership came together to review progress against achieving the department’s vision. Leaders of each of the bureaus presented progress updates of their strategic priorities to an audience of sworn and civilian staff. Collectively, they shared the achievements of the past 6 months, discussed highlights and challenges, and provided a roadmap of next steps through the end of the year.

It’s clear members of CMPD are serious about achieving the Chief’s vision of building trust, transparency, and accountability within the community they serve.

One Comment

  1. Tunde Ajagbe says:

    This is a great idea! I would like the idea of community engagement strategic plan used in this part of the world.



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