Nine Tips on How to Roll Out Your Strategic Plan

Rolling out your plan can range anywhere from a big, high-profile campaign to a low-key announcement. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to inform everyone in your organization. You may choose to give complete copies of the plan, including background material in the appendixes, to certain groups of stakeholders, whereas you may give other groups only the body of the plan without its appendixes. Here are 9 tips for involving people in your plan and having a successful rollout:

  1. Consider an annual state of the union message where the finalized plan and vision are rolled out to the entire organization.
  2. Make the announcement exciting and get everyone engaged.
  3. Give every board member and executive a full copy of the plan.
  4. Distribute the entire plan–or at the very least, the highlights–to everyone in the organizations.
  5. Post your one-page plan or strategy map in a break room or another common area.
  6. Consider giving each employee a card with the mission, vision, and values statements printed on it.
  7. Incorporate your strategic plan into the orientation process for new board members and employees.
  8. Include portions of the plan in policies and procedures, including the employee manual.
  9. Provide copies of the plan for key partners, such as funders or investors, business coaches, vendors or suppliers, and so on.



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