My Focus – Quickly Update Your KPIs and Goals

Mar 07, 2019

With the My Focus card in the OnStrategy application, you can see all of your goals and quickly update them within a single view. Instead of updating the on the goal cascade page, you can update your goals right from the homepage – giving you the power to focus on executing your goals instead of updating them.

Where Can I Find the My Focus Card?

The My Focus Card has been turned on for all accounts and is located on your strategic plan’s homepage.

Just as with any card on this page, the My Focus card can be moved to any position you’d like. Simply click and drag to snap the card into the location of your choosing.

How Does the My Focus Card work?

The My Focus card allows you to quickly see what goals need to be updated, which are up-to-date, what goals are coming up, and the status of goals you are contributing to. Here’s a quick breakdown of the different items shown in the My Focus Card:

  1. Flagged Goals – This category shows your active goals that are “flagged for an update.”
  2. Active Goals – This category shows active goals that are currently up-to-date.
  3. Coming Up – This category shows goals that are on your horizon.
  4. Contributing – This category shows goals you are marked as a contributor on.

To open each category, simply click on the down arrows to expand each section.

Updating from the My Focus Card

We’ve integrated the ability to update your goals right from the homepage using the My Focus Card. To update your goals, complete the following:

  1. Open the “Flagged” goals section to show goals that need a status update.
  2. Click anywhere on the goal to open the update toggle.
  3. Provide an update to the actuals, status, and leave a date-stamped comment.
  4. Click save and move on to your other flagged goals.

What’s the Impact of the My Focus Card?

The impact of the My Focus card is having a quick-glance view at what your goals and priorities are and providing updates to goals in a single-page view. It’s fast, it’s easy, and will help your team keep focused on achieving their goals and actions.



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