Mid-Year Assessments are Part of Implementing Strategy

The year is more than half over!  As a team member, it’s time for me to review my (strategic planning) action plan and a little self-reflection. It is the perfect time to take inventory of where you stand with your strategic goals, focus on where you are headed this year, and formulate a new (or updated) game plan to get there.

Every day matters.  With roughly 5.5 months or 177 days left in the year it’s time to refocus.

Here are the brief steps I take. I encourage you to give yourself a little mid-year assessment as well.

  • Make sure the status of your goals and actions are all updated.
  • Review your action plan.  What goals are on target, off target or critically late?
  • What do you need to accomplish in the remaining days for the year?  You may have to decide what the wins and losses are going to be now.  Be purposeful about it.
  • Are there goals that need to be deferred?  If so, talk to management.
  • When we fail to achieve our goals/actions, it often has to do with how we have allocated our time. I’m trying to shift my time allocation from tactical to strategic as well as trying to eliminate distractions. How can you dedicate weekly time blocks towards focused time on the goals/actions you are accountable for?

With strategic planning tools like OnStrategy you have the list of what needs to be done; it’s your action plan report.  Make sure you have time to get in the zone and do it.  This is where the rubber meets the road.  This is about implementing strategy.

I wish you great success in accomplishing your outstanding goals and finishing the year off strong.



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