Learn 5 Criteria for Ensuring Successful Strategy Execution

The execution of your organizational strategies is right around the corner. During the New Year, some organizations will succeed and other will fail. What separates them? In helping thousands of organizations over the past decade we’ve learned successful organizations apply best-practice criteria during effective strategy design.

As strategy leaders, organizational management, or key stakeholders, have you applied these criteria within the design and development of your organizational strategies?

Did you:

  • Synthesize: Did you synthesize data to reflect only the most relevant and meaningful components necessary for effective strategy design?
  • Prioritize: Is there consensus and alignment around the critical goals, which deserve the highest prioritization? If not, you’ll likely find competing priorities among the teams and individual contributors tasked with strategy implementation.
  • Assign: Is every goal assigned to an individual? Is this individual aware of their accountability for driving goal attainment and the orchestration of resources required to achieve it?
  • Make it Measurable: Does every goal have a measure and a target?
  • Confirm & Refine: Has the planning team reconvened to validate and confirm everyone’s on the same page with consistent expectations?

If the design of your organizational strategy missed any of these strategic criteria it’s not too late. Time invested recalibrating before your organization is in full blown execution mode will prevent misalignment, poor resource utilization and loss of engagement.

Effective strategy design and execution moves mountains. It fuels organizational sustainability, financial growth, customer loyalty, and operational improvements. And most importantly, it inspires people into action.

Best wishes from OnStrategy in achieving a banner year!



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