What is included in a strategic planning template?

There are key elements of a strategic planning template that are essential in a strategic plan. The plan is used as a guiding tool over the next three to five years by everyone involved in the organization.  This ensures everyone is on the same page and understands what is expected of them. Below is a list of the key components for such a template.

  • Mission Statement: A statement of purpose and reason why your organization exists. It should be clear and concise and be able to fit on a t-shirt.
  • Vision Statement:  This is an explanation of where your organization is heading and aspiring to achieve.
  • Values Statement: These are the guiding principles of your organization that never change. The statement(s) address your core values and beliefs and what your people are committed to.
  • Objectives: These are your broad statements, B-HAGS (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals), spanning the length of your plan (3-5 years). They provide a holistic view of your organization.
  • Goals: These are the organization (one to three years), department (12 to 18 months) and team member (six to twelve months) goals.
  • Performance Measures: The measures/targets are identified, as well as the start/end dates.
  • Implementation Process/Planning Calendar: Identifies the who, where, when and how.
    • Strategy Manager: Someone who is responsible for managing the strategic plan
    • Communication: How is the strategic plan being communicated to everyone outside of the management team? Email? All-staff newsletter? Meetings?
    • Accountability: Who is responsible for executing the goal(s) and providing stats on the goals?
    • Frequency:  How often is the status on the goals updated? Monthly, quarterly or weekly?



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