Helping Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD Create One of America’s Safest Cities

Oct 04, 2018

This week, we returned to Charlotte, North Carolina to facilitate the 2019 planning process for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD).

We’re always struck by the thoughtful work and sessions with CMPD. With such a large, expansive organization, it’s easy to lose focus on a strategic plan and the process to keep its ongoing execution and management in place. But, after two full years, CMPD has remained focused and dedicated to the process with one vision in mind – make Charlotte one of America’s Safest Cities. It’s a vision that we have a mountain of respect for and directly impacts the community they serve.

CMPD’s ongoing commitment is to serve their community through expanding their workforce, taking it back to the basics for quality service, and the development of their staff.

Here are a few insights as to why they’re seeing success and continued focus:

  • Ongoing commitment to the planning and execution process. 2019 will be the third year in their plan, and while it’s evolved and changed through the years, they’ve remained committed to the process.
  • As we’ve said, we love their vision. It’s punchy, inspiring, and clear.
  • It’s some of the best collaboration we’ve seen. CMPD’s departments are all aligned to their common vision and understand their role in the success of their organization. It’s a feat considering how large their organization is!

We had an awesome time helping CMPD review their 2018 plan and develop their 2019 plan over the last few days. We even were able to attend a NASCAR race over the weekend between sessions!

We can’t wait to watch CMPD continue to serve their community and build one of the safest cities in America!

Bonus! Watch CMPD’s lip sync challenge here!



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