Helping CCSF Digital Services Double Their Staff

Learn how we’ve been working with the City and County of San Francisco to help their organization prepare as they double their team of web designers and data engineers in one of the hottest tech markets in the world.

Growing can be downright painful, especially in a competitive and heated job market.

The City and County of San Francisco Digital Services is currently undergoing one of the biggest transformations the organization has ever seen. As they continue to expand their digital services for the betterment of their community, it’s also requiring the organization to double their digital staff. Better yet, they’re working in one of the toughest hiring markets for these roles, competing with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Firefox, Google, and Apple for qualified candidates.

But, instead of sulking and facing the constant groan of growing pains, CCSF enlisted us to help come up with a proactive strategy to help grow their team to best serve the city. Here’s the takeaways:

  • Culture Plays a Big Role: The culture of an organization plays a big role in the success of hiring new recruits. Digital Services is paying close attention to how their culture impacts growing their organization and what they need to shift culturally to allow for this growth. 
  • Everyone in the Organization Plays a Role: Hiring is most often an “executive” responsibility. Instead, it’s shifting to an organization-wide responsibility. Hiring is only one piece. It requires a team to recruit, hire, onboard, and retain awesome employees.
  • Communicating Clearly is a Must: Being clear about everyone’s next steps is direly important coming out of this facilitation. Clear expectations and actions result in clear outcomes.

As always, working with the CCSF Digital Services team is always a pleasure. They’re detail-oriented, focused, and are dedicated to enabling the transformation of their community through digital service. Nice work!



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