3 Reasons You’ll Fail Without a Q1 Strategy Review

It’s the end of the first quarter. As a football coach, would you skip a huddle with your team? Probably not. So, then why are you skipping a quarter-end huddle with your organizational team?

Strategy reviews bring your team together to look at your playbook and see what’s working and what isn’t. By looking back you’ll see how to move forward; what needs to change, adapt and evolve. Skip the huddle altogether and you’ll probably be posting a loss on the books.

Still skeptical? Here are three key reasons you’ll fail without a Q1 Review.

  1. You’ll miss the opportunity to discuss if your team is working on the right things. Without a strategy review, you can’t make adjustments based on shifts during the previous quarter. What you focused and prioritized then may no longer be relevant for moving forward.
  2. You won’t get to see how you’re performing against your goals. A strategy review allows you to see how you’re performing against your goals while holding your team accountable. If you never look back and evaluate your team’s performance, you won’t achieve your goals.
  3. Your team will forget how their goals and action items add up to the big picture. As strategy’s quarterback, it’s important your team understands why and how you are making the calls. If they don’t know how their specific goals or actions play into the team’s bigger picture, you’ll never throw a touchdown.

Strategy Reviews are a piece of the Strategic Implementation puzzle that cannot be omitted. They are a vital step to creating a culture that supports a living, breathing strategy. These reviews allow you to see where you’ve been, where you’re going, and what adjustments you need to make. Without them, strategic plans become dusty paperweights useless in helping your team accomplish its goals.

Open the lines of communication and get your team ready for a Strategy Review. Review your performance, see where you need to make adjustments, and realign your team for the new quarter. Completing these activities will refresh your team and give them a clear line of sight how their goals and actions are contributing to the bigger picture. Now is the time to get your Q1 Strategy Review on the books so you can quarterback your organization to victory.

One Comment

  1. Miriam Junge says:

    The above article makes sense!



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