3 1-hour Sessions is All it Takes to Update a Plan for 2021

With 2021 only a few short months away, EMC knew that success in the new year starts with preparing and adapting their plan now.

How We’re Supporting EMC Reinsurance:

We jumped in to helped EMC efficiently update and refresh their strategic plan for 2021 in 3 one-hour planning sessions.

EMC Reinsurance’s Mission:

“Provide our global partners with reinsurance expertise and financial peace of mind, when it matters most.”

The whirlwind of 2020 has impacted every team and organization differently. Whether your business is on the road to recovery, has stayed flat, or has experienced significant growth, one thing is certain; you need to start preparing your 2021 strategic plan now so you can return to sustainability and predictability.

EMC Reinsurance quickly recognized the need to get ahead of 2021 by preparing their plan now. So, together with Lorna Shepard, their OnStrategy Senior Strategist, the team jumped in to update their plan in one of the quickest and most efficient processes we’ve ever seen!

Three one-hour working sessions [with some homework in between] is all it took for their team to prepare a solid strategic plan and direction for 2021. Here’s a quick overview of the three working sessions their team participated in to get their 2021 plan across the finish line.

  • Session #1 – Reviewed 2020 Goals & Initiatives. The team spent the first session looking back at 2020 annual goals and initiatives, predicting their EOY targets, and determining whether goals’ targets needed to be updated or if 2020 initiatives needed to be rolled into 2021.
  • Session #2 – Created New 2021 Initiatives. EMC worked as a team to identify and create new 2021 initiatives that will drive their organization toward achieving its 2021 targets, emphasizing the organization’s shifts in focus.
  • Session #3 – Updated their Plan in the OnStrategy App. The team spent the final session working to update their plan and add new initiatives into the OnStrategy app for 2021.

We’re impressed by EMC’s commitment to refreshing their plan fast and the thoughtful strategy their team created to ensure the long-term stability of their organization next year! Great job!



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