Authority Partners: Creating 6,000+ Hours of Time by Embracing AI

How Authority Partners used AI to gain efficiencies and save over 6,000 hours/week by implementing a methodical approach to AI experimentation and adoption.


“Every single person in your company should know how to use AI tools to improve their workflow. This is something that will accelerate everyone’s work.”

– Carlos Julio Tejada-Rodriguez, Engineering Manager, Authority Partners

The Challenge:

As a technology development firm, Authority Partners saw the roar of AI as an enormous strategic opportunity to make their team more efficient developers while learning how to build AI systems for their clients.

The Outcome:

A structured approach to the adoption of everyday AI tools to improve their workflows and efficiencies.


The development of an integrated AI agent with the capabilities to streamline common HR functions and open the team up for more strategic work.

Their AI Vision:

Empower our team to revolutionize our industry by harnessing the unparalleled potential of cutting-edge AI tools for developers.

Authority Partner’s Approach:

In the past year, Authority Partners (AP) emerged as a trailblazer in AI adoption, pioneering a practical approach to help their team vet, implement, and adopt AI tools — including improving everyday efficiencies with the integration of 3rd party AI solutions to custom-developing complete functional transformation with the creation of their own AI HR Assistant.

As strategic partners, Authority Partners and OnStrategy provide a wraparound approach for organizations to identify their prime opportunities for AI integration and adoption. This collaboration combines OnStrategy’s strategic planning expertise with AP’s development and AI mastery, offering clients an approach to identifying, prioritizing, and implementing their AI opportunities from start to finish.

Authority Partners took a holistic approach to their AI strategy by pursuing both everyday AI solutions and transformative AI opportunities.

Everyday AI: With a global team across 30 countries and 13 time zones, AP recognized a prime opportunity to save time on client work by integrating 3rd party AI tools into their workflows. Not all tools are created equal, and they had to develop an approach to evaluate and implement only the best AI tools for their needs. This included:

  • Clearly understanding their workflows and the tools available: They worked with their team to identify which workflows were candidates for automation and assessed the ecosystem of AI developer tools.
  • Clarity for implementing and adopting tools: Once they meticulously evaluated AI offerings in their market and decided which workflows to automate, they set up a center of excellence to help drive the implementation and adoption of these tools organization wide.
  • Considering broader organizational impact: Beyond the immediate efficiency gains, Authority Partners also considered the broader impact of AI, which included safeguarding their value proposition, expanding the value they deliver to customers using AI, and transforming their business model.
  • Identifying and building custom AI Opportunities: Besides deploying “off the shelf” AI in their organization, AP also identified several strategic opportunities to custom-build their AI to automate labor-intensive internal processes.

The Deliverables

Authority Partner’s AI organization-wide push created two distinct deliverables:

#1: A clear set of AI tools and automations to save their organization time

Using their approach to assessment and adoption of AI tools, AP adopted 29 different tools to help their team develop code more efficiently. Plus, they have an approach for vetting, assessing, and adopting new AI tools as they become available.

#2: A custom-built AI HR agent inside Microsoft Teams.

AP’s team saw an opportunity to create an AI agent inside their Microsoft Teams for their organization to self-service and address their HR needs. Through three different generations of the AP Assistant, they improved features such as:

  • Self-Service AI HR Agent: A self-service HR platform within the Microsoft Teams environment enables the global team to answer their HR inquiries and onboarding needs based on AP’s company information and policies database.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Team members can use the agent to send internal feedback to each other.
  • Strategic Focus for HR Team: By automating routine HR tasks, this AI agent has created more time for their HR team to focus on strategic initiatives without additional cost.

The Results

Authority Partners’ adoption of AI and the creation of their AI assistant has created substantial efficiency gains for their organization and a culture that’s integrating AI into their workflows strategically. This strategy has resulted in:

  • 6,000 Hours Saved PER WEEK: Adopting these tools and creating this HR assistant freed up 6,000 weekly hours for their team.
  • Automated Workflow: Beyond automating development workflows with off-the-shelf tools, Authority Partners created an entire AI agent to automate key HR workflows.
  • Cultural Evolution: Implementing custom and off-the-shelf AI tools has cultivated a culture of openness and learning, helping AP create the culture required to stand at the forefront of innovation with AI as the multiplier.

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