Discuss strategy tips, frameworks, and gain insights that power organizations around the globe. Learn from the best and apply it to your strategy!
1st Thursdays: Topical Master class
3rd Thursdays: Workshops to answer your questions and topics.
A safe-haven for anyone leading strategy to connect, receive crucial feedback, and get answers to questions you might not ask anywhere else.
How to develop a bold vision of the future and lead your organization to that destination.
How to lead your team to create a winning growth strategy and clear competitive advantages.
How to use OKRs and aligned priorities to align your team’s day-to-day activities to your vision.
How to create a consistent agile quarterly cycle to review, refresh, and adapt your plan with rigor and consistency.
How to communicate clearly and effectively to help bring your team along for the journey.
How to build a culture that supports your strategy and creates high performing teams.
It’s SUCH a great idea to have this regular forum for strategy leaders to connect and discuss ideas.
I think being a Chief Strategy Officer can be a very isolating role if you’re the only (or one of the few) person who “gets it” in your organization.
Also, as a strategy consultant I love the opportunity to learn and share.
”Founder, STB Consulting
United States
Yesterday’s session was really excellent.
Both of you deliver real value to the audience.
By sharing your tools and experience you’re making a significant contribution to the world’s ability to define strategy – a truly noble pastime.
Well done you both and the whole of your organization.
”CEO, Innovex Management LTD
United Kingdom
I did not think too much before about the topic of defining our Vision.
However, I am reconsidering this now.
Our new strategy will have to address the creation of processes to recruit, onboard & develop people, consciously selling what it means to work at Profol and be part of our awesome group of people.
”CEO, Profol GMBH
Tried-and-true tools, tips, resources, and exercises in your inbox to use NOW.
Direct access to experts in the field that would regularly cost $5,000-$30,000 for a planning engagement.