As an account manager with OnStrategy, we frequently get asked “How do I start? How do I get my strategic planning going? How do I execute the strategy I’ve developed?” We have many resources on our website that have information on this subject, including books, videos, training, articles and newsletters. The October 27th, 2010 Strategy Huddle is a new resource that I am happy we are adding to the list.
In the fourth segment, there is a discussion around “Setting an effective agenda that results in the outcomes you are seeking.” I help manage the Strategy Huddle Webcast and get to manage it to the point where I hand it off to the strategy leaders. At that point, I become a participant and get to listen and learn new ideas that I can share with the customers I get a chance to talk with. This segment provided valuable insight for a new strategy leader, someone looking to implement corporate strategic planning, or even a strategy leader looking to sharpen their existing process.
The entire huddle is worth watching. For now, let’s just focus on the fourth segment where the discussion is around agenda setting. In doing so, think through to the end of that meeting and what outcome you look to achieve. Think ahead 3, 6, 12 months and what benefit you would like to see strategic planning provide your organization. The desired outcome is critical! What is it? Once this is established, back into: where are we now? – where are we going? – and how are we going to get there? Executing strategy is not an overnight success. Building this process into establishing your agenda will allow you to start your strategic planning initiative on the right foot and get your closer to that desired outcome.
I like to ensure there is a solid process or plan in place before moving forward because I like to increase my odds of success. This does get back to some of the basics, the blocking and tackling, but it does increase those odds of success. An excellent example of doing this in strategic planning is presented by Erica and Cammy in the Oct. Strategy Huddle.