The New OnStrategy – What The Redesign Means To You
In response to the great input from our clients, team members and professional colleagues, we are unveiling our third major redesign. We are confident that OnStrategy is now more efficient and intuitive than it was before. There are several new changes and based on initial response to our new design, we know you will like it.
The new design on will go live on Tuesday, September 27th after close of business on West coast. During this period, you may experience server outage and/or delays Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning.
Before |
After |
……Brief description of what this redesign entails:
- Guided Home Page (seen above): The new landing page does a better job of providing you with both information and next steps.
- Navigation: The new navigation tool will noticeably increase efficiency and productivity. We streamlined the process to get you to key pages in fewer clicks.
- Site-wide Appearance: The new design is incorporated throughout the website, making the system easier on the eyes and more room for data entry.
- More Info Buttons: You now have greater control of available resources and the ability to decide if you want more details. We offer many more examples & direct access to the virtual strategy guide.
- Reports: The new reports page allows you to quickly see the listing of available reports and access them more effectively.
- Accounts Page: Our new account page is more streamlined and helps expedite user management workflow.
We invite you to attend an upcoming webinar where we will explain the redesign of the OnStrategy system and what it means to you. We encourage all users to attend.
Register Now for one of the free 60-minute sessions:
We look forward to your feedback.
Happy Strategizing!
The OnStrategy Team