Customer Strategy

As you develop your strategy, you’ll make choices about where you’ll play, how you’ll win, and what your organization will focus on to achieve your vision of success. Check out these articles, videos, and downloads on strategic priorities, market strategies, objectives, and planning frameworks.

Build a Better 2014 Strategy Using 3 Customer Insight Check Points

For those in the midst of updating or creating strategic plans for the upcoming calendar year, it’s go time. Before getting too far down the road, one topic must be assessed with brutal honesty: Do you have the customer insights needed to drive a strategy that will hit the mark in 2014 or are you winging it?

Don’t Forget Your Customers in Strategy Development

From time to time, clients from around the globe hail the M3 team. This month we found ourselves in South Africa. The country is well known for its spectacular safaris and equally being an emerging market (25th biggest economy to be specific). The convergence of these themes reinforced one of the core tenants of any good strategy – know your customer.

Give Conditional Love to Your Customer Programs

In the world of business programs and metrics, customer feedback data isn’t a heavy hitter. Business audit activity, on the other hand, puts the stuttering “f” in f-f-f-fear. What many organizations don’t realize is that with every single customer interaction, an informal audit is indeed being conducted.

Free Guides & Resources

OKRs that work
Setting OKRs that Work

A FREE downloadable guide and canvas to build Objectives and Key Results.

SWOT Assessment Guide

A FREE downloadable guide and canvas to complete a SWOT analysis, synthesize it into Competitive Advantages, and then use your SWOT to create SMART goals.

Guide to Create KPIs with 100 Example Metrics

A FREE downloadable guide to learn the basics of Key Performance Indicators with 100 example metric sources for ever department of your organization.

Free Guide for Writing Better SMART Goals

Download the FREE guide to learn how to create goals that have impact in your organization.

Growth Strategy
Free Guide to Build a Growth Strategy

A FREE downloadable guide and canvas to create a growth strategy that clearly defines where you play and how you’ll win.

Goals and OKR Cycle
Goals/OKR Cycle Guide

A FREE downloadable guide and canvas to establish a quarterly rhythm for OKRs and Goals.

OKR Essentials
OKR Essentials Cheat Sheet

Download the free cheat sheet to guide you through building and refreshing OKRs.

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