Inspiring the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs in Nevada

Oct 25, 2019

We recently returned to our alma mater at the University of Nevada to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to lead their businesses with strategy and agility.

As the leaves turn a hue of red, orange, and yellow, the bright minds of our youth are returning to universities across the globe. As these students begin to buckle down for the long semester ride, we were honored to work with and help shape the minds of the next generation of strategists.

Team members Kamryn and Howard, both University of Nevada Alumni, spent the evening at the podium talking about the importance of strategic planning and agility with a group of entrepreneurship students. While many were familiar with strategic planning, we were able to dive into a few great topics that included:


Howard, a former professor at the University, also shared his wisdom with the class about the importance of agility as an entrepreneur, how OnStrategy began, and what it has taken to evolve the organization into what it’s become today.

It was great talking to the students, and it served as a quick little recharge for our batteries! Nice work, Kamryn and Howard!



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