Eight Steps for Managing Organizational Change & Transformation

Jan 07, 2011

Change is constant, yes.  Whether organizations choose to acknowledge it or not, they are in the midst of it.  Understanding that change is a process that needs to be managed, not an event is key to long term sustainability of any organization.  In the Best of HBR (www.hbrreprints.org), John Kotter has a great article posted that has further reading associated with this topic.  The eight steps he cites for transforming an organization:  1- Establish a sense of urgency.  2- Form a powerful guiding coalition.  3- Create a vision.  4- Communicate the vision. 5- Empower others to act on the vision. 6- Plan for and create short term wins. 7- Consolidate improvements and produce more change. 8- Institutionalize new approaches.  Read more about this approach in our next newsletter, and if you haven’t signed up, goto mystrategicplan.com/resources/section/newsletters/ and enter your email in at the bottom left of the page.



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