C12 Is Making Informed, Strategic Business Decisions With Data

Leaders embarking upon the strategic planning process is to create a plan with performance metrics to give them a pulse on the health of their business. These become vital to running both day-to-day operations and making bigger strategic decisions.

In the case of C12, a client focused on faith-based business leadership group, the planning process has given them the performance data they needed to be thoughtful and strategic about the changes they make and while having a clearer picture of the health of their organization. But, in true case-study fashion, they’ve taken this principal and evolved it to the next level.

Sometimes organizations focus too much on lagging indicators, or outcome-based measures. These include EBITDA, revenue, or operating income. But, as is the case with C12, business agility comes with making business decisions based on leading indicators, or the indicators or metrics that feed into the performance of lagging indicators.

C12 is watching and making business decisions based on both types of indicators. A holistic view of their business has made agile decision making faster so they can impact short- and long-term success.

Nice job, C12!



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