Bright Path Labs – Paving the Way to Lower Drug Costs

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We love giving organizations the tools they need to redefine our world. And boy, is Bright Path Laboratories going to change the world.

Redefining Pharmaceuticals in the United States

Bright Path has a patented technology to make small and large batch pharmaceutical manufacturing more efficient than traditional manufacturing methods.

One of the alarming consequences of the Covid supply chain logjam was the squeeze on critical molecules needed for pharmaceuticals from aspirin to cancer treatments—the fact that almost 80% of the United States’ drug ingredients come from East Asia and China left those in the most need of consistent and reliable access to life-saving medicines. Bright Path’s technology will allow other pharmaceutical companies, research universities, and hospitals to make medicine for those where others can’t or won’t–cost-effectively, safely, securely, and much more quickly than relying on a distributed supply chain.

Bright Path Laboratories has a great future ahead of them, but it’s not just because of their unique technology. It’s also because of their focused leadership team and dedication to growing their business sustainably and strategically.

Doing the Hard Strategic Thinking

Bright Path engaged the OnStrategy team during 2020. They buckled down and created an excellent, thoughtful long-term strategy. We were impressed by the focus and relentless refinement of their big, bold vision and priorities.

Things were looking great for a successful 2021 rollout of their plan. But, their leadership team faced a difficult realization: the organization wasn’t foundationally ready to fully execute their vision. They acknowledged success would require more talent, more funding, and more organizational structure. 2021 was dedicated to preparing their organization to scale with stability. So Bright Path’s leaders made the tough call to pause the implementation of their strategic plan.

Good Strategy Sticks

Let’s fast forward to the end of 2021. Bright Path Laboratories had established the stable and scalable organization that is ready to execute against the strategy and plan they’d created in 2020.

And, as it turns out, their strategic foundation and approach they’d developed a year ago were still applicable and relevant. So, getting Bright Path ready to implement its plan simply required a quick refresh to the organization’s OKRs to align with what had been achieved or prioritized and they’re picking up where they left off less than a year ago.

So, why is this important? After an entire year of organizational growth and shifts, Bright Path’s core strategy didn’t need to change when it came time to implement. Here’s why:

  1. The team put in excellent work upfront. Strategy is hard. Great strategy is even more challenging. Bright Path Laboratories spent the time in 2020 to build a truly great strategy to stand the test of time.
  2. They have a mission and vision that resonate. Clarity around their direction creates focus with clear impact. They didn’t need to update their strategic foundation when they picked up their plan again.
  3. Leadership knew when they needed to redirect focus. Great leaders set their teams up for success. Their leadership team recognized the need to strengthen the organization before sending their team to execute.

A Vision to Change the World

We are thrilled to be working with Bright Path again to be even a small part of their world-changing success. After picking up their plan, it only took two short sessions with the leadership and a few working OKR sessions with the wider planning team to declare Bright Path to be implementation-ready.

We’re surer than we’ve ever been that Bright Path has the strategy, the talent, and the plan to achieve their vision to be a highly specialized contract development and manufacturing company that offers advanced pharmaceutical development, chemistry, manufacturing and controls, and manufacturing technology capabilities working with strategic partners serving clients seeking specialized medicines, small to mid-volume, rare and orphan drugs.



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