To virtually engage community members during a growing global pandemic as the means of collecting stakeholder input, at a time when in-person community meetings cannot be held.
A bold, future forward strategic plan and City-wide direction with stakeholder input from community members.
This Word Cloud was created by approximately 175 participants in the Facebook Live/Instagram community workshop. Citizens were asked to provide their vision of success for the City answering the question, “By 2025, Santa Ana Is…” These were the most common words provided by the public.
Foundational to the development of City of Santa’s strategic vision and plan was stakeholder input from the entire community. Though these meetings were originally scheduled on-site, OnStrategy and City of Santa Ana adapted through remote sessions to produce the deliverables promised by OnStrategy and essential to bright future envisioned by the community.
Following our virtual facilitations, we built City of Santa Ana’s strategic plan and rollout materials pivotal to the success of City-wide adoption and implementation of the plan. These deliverables included:
City of Santa Ana, in spite of a statewide stay-at-home order, created a city wide, visionary plan moving the community towards a visionary future state.