As the entire construction industry evolves, CFMA realized the need to adapt to meet the shifting needs of its members. Unifying a team to a pursue a set of clear priorities and Key Performance Indicators was the missing puzzle piece in helping meet its members’ needs.
An aligned leadership team, working together in pursuit of clearly defined goals. The team has a shared vision of the future and specific, measurable performance indicators for tracking progress against their goals.
The construction industry and the role of finance professionals within it has shifted dramatically in recent years. New technologies, access to data and financial market trends are changing the way construction industry financial professionals do their job.
To stay relevant and continue having an impact, the CFMA needed to act with intention. The organization needed greater agility and focus on managing positive member impact. Defining its priorities and aligning its leadership team around these priorities is important for the CFMA’s continued success.
Taking specific, intentional action to bring their vision to life would be crucial to the CFMA. OnStrategy worked with CFMA to build a shared commitment within the leadership team and help them work together to set, monitor and achieve their key performance indicators.
In addition to working with CFMA to create a disciplined approach to sharing progress, OnStrategy also created a suite of custom materials to support the CFMA’s ongoing strategic planning work. These deliverables include:
Working with their OnStrategy CSO, CFMA created greater clarity to the organization’s core priorities. Having a clearly defined, actionable strategic plan aligned the leadership team in pursuit of shared goals.
Executing against their plan, with regular communication among the team, the organization has been able to more effectively communicate progress against goals. Additionally, the organization has enhanced its educational content, increased its member satisfaction rates and created stronger support for CFMA chapters.