Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

OnStrategy co-creates and helps implement a strategy for embracing organizational standards and individual school autonomy.


“After meeting with OnStrategy, it quickly became clear that they would be a good fit. Our plan is sound and our progress toward meeting the plan’s goals is continuous. OnStrategy’s support and facilitation of our work has been first rate; they are instrumental in why we are making such good progress.”

~ Dr. Steve Atwater, Superintendent of Schools, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

For Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) maintaining consistency across standards upheld by the district’s 44 member schools is essential for driving organizational performance. They also believe embracing the individual needs and autonomy of each school is imperative for ensuring optimal student engagement. OnStrategy rolled up its sleeves, worked alongside school administration, and set-out to create a comprehensive, actionable 5-year strategic plan, which would do both.

Solutions & Results:

As strategist, researchers and facilitators, OnStrategy worked with district stakeholders to initiate, manage and implement the district’s strategic planning process. Vital insights from district staff and the communities themselves were incorporated into strategy design.

OnStrategy facilitated strategy development workshops helped create consensus and alignment among key stakeholders supporting the district’s mission, vision and values. District level focus areas and strategic goals were developed to drive organizational standardization and site-specific autonomy.

Transparency and adoption:

District officials adopted OnStrategy as an organizational tool for the continuous strategy management and performance monitoring. OnStrategy enables district officials to readily communicate and share performance metrics with stakeholders and constituents, including board of directors, district officials, faculty and community residents, including parents and students.

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