Benefits of the One-Page Plan

May 01, 2010


Many, if not most, organizations never develop, much less implement or modify, a strategic plan. Many organizations have not been able to afford the historically large cost of doing so, particularly when in-house experts are not available.

The One-Page Plan is an automated strategic planning system and method.

The One-Page Plan is an automated strategic planning system and method.

For many others, the time and resource consumption involved in developing a strategic plan has been too great for those involved in the business to develop, and then manage the implementation of a strategic plan. Lack of access to strategic planning expertise has also presented an insurmountable obstacle to engaging in strategic planning and management of plan implementation.


The One-Page Plan is an automated strategic planning system and method. It leads the user through a series of stages to develop a strategic plan. It automatically organizes the user’s responses to queries in order to provide strategic planning output. Goals determined at one hierarchical level and are used to create action items for the next. Progress on the action items is tracked. Goals cascade downward, producing action items, where progress on the action items cascades up – producing progress reports.

Benefits of the One-Page Plan

Thousands of organizations depend on the One-Page Plan to keep their long-term focus synced up with daily decision making. From the CEO to front line staff, everyone is aligned with the company’s strategy and vision. It’s easy. It’s safe and secure.

  • Quickly develop and update plans for corporate, department and team members that you can manage with your computer
  • Produce professional reports with the One-Page Plan.
  • Create alignment by connecting organization-wide strategy to the department and individual through cascading goals.
  • Align the process with performance measures and goals that cascade throughout the organization’s structure.
  • Help managers and others to think more strategically and less tactically
  • Provide boundaries to ensure purpose-driven action.
  • Create a plan that is focused on serving your customers.
  • Provide a holistic plan based on the balanced scorecard.

One Comment

  1. exarox2 says: I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I do not know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!



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