Master Class: Prioritize Strategic Moves with Clarity and Alignment

Tactics to get your executive team thinking strategically.

You can check out the session recap here.

Here are the takeaways from the session:

  • Powerful leadership teams have a clear future, are aligned, and effectively prioritize their strategy to achieve success.
  • In the early stages of a business, there can be chaotic energy while trying to find a market, product, and scaling model. You’ll experience multiple inflections over time, each offering an opportunity to redirect your growth mindset.
  • The McKinsey 3 Horizons Business Model allows leaders to tune into a different mode of thinking during 3 points of evolution.
  • Using the Business Management Framework can help your leadership team identify where you’re aligned, where you’re not, and where you need to prioritize your focus. It’s a great tool to make sure the loudest voice in the room doesn’t make all the decisions.

We hope you found these key takeaways helpful in adopting a forward-thinking strategic mindset.



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