Master Class: Creating Your Big, Bold Vision

Jun 20, 2023

🔥 Hot takeaways from our Vision Masterclass

Visions are only powerful if communicated clearly.

Visions are only helpful if you communicate them clearly and use them to connect your team to your bold destination in the future. Strategy is communication; communication is strategy! Meg and Tony tell us the importance of clear communication from 26:15 — 29:14 in our session.

Buy-in requires busting out of your day-to-day chaos and communicating your vision. Every. Single. Day.

You must bust out of your busy “inbox” and everyday chaos to lead your team! Getting buy-in to your direction requires communicating and connecting daily work to your direction. Both Meg and Tony agree on this from 34:30 — 38:00.

Get your vision to 80%, then rock ‘n’ roll.

Creating a perfectly worded vision statement is way less important than having a meaningful vision to connect and inspire your team. Get it directionally correct and move forward! Check out the section from Jeff’s Master class on big, bold vision from 52:30 — 1:05:00.

📈 Poll results – What’s on your strategy radar?

We polled our participants to see what the top 5 global market factors were on their strategy radar. Over half of those participants stated that they were concerned about rising inflation and finding qualified labor.

Strategy Radar Poll Results

🙋‍♀️ Questions we answered

What’s the clear distinction between mission, vision, and values? -Neil P.

Don’t use these terms interchangeably; each has a clear purpose. Missions are what you do conversationally, visions paint a bold picture of your future, or a North Star, and values outline how you expect your team to behave. Meg explained this perfectly from 29:24 — 32:55.

How do you facilitate visioning with 20+ people? -Jodi-Kay E.

Jeff and Erica recommend gathering feedback about your direction from your team in smaller groups, then returning to the large group facilitation. It’s also critical to craft your final vision in a much smaller group, likely just your leadership team. Jeff and Erica cover this from 01:09:30 — 1:13:05.

How do you keep your team thinking at the right level as you create your vision? -Tony C.

This is always a tough one! There are many approaches, but it often requires time to develop your team’s thinking, prep-work on expectations for the session, and facilitate keeping your team out of the weeds. Erica, Jeff, and Tony Q. cover this from 01:13:19 — 1:19:19.

🧭 Content to build your vision

The vision Master class and visioning canvas.

Download all of Jeff’s insights on how to facilitate your visioning session using our visioning canvas! Download the deck and visioning canvas.

The full session recording and chat transcript.

Rewatch and listen to the full session recording that’s been transcribed! You can also download the chat conversation here.

The whitepaper on creating a vision statement.

Download our full vision statement whitepaper, including an interactive PDF of the vision statement canvas! We also have a handy vision statement cheat sheet.



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