Master Class: Developing Your Growth Framework

3 Growth Strategy Tips & Resources to Use NOW

❌ Tip 1: Growth frameworks are non-negotiable. Use any of these four frameworks.

Any organization, any type, any size, you must have a framework for growth (even if you’re a nonprofit!). There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so we pulled together a few helpful resources for your leadership team to create a growth framework:

  • See Jeff’s Master class on the four growth frameworks from 25:03-33:40. You can also download the slide deck to reference these four frameworks. Plus, it also includes the dos and don’ts of growth frameworks.
  • See two examples of growth frameworks in practice from 23:10-33:10.
  • Build an actual growth strategy using this free guide and canvas.
  • Don’t chase every growth opportunity. Use this exercise to identify your core growth opportunities and big bets. Park everything else.

🔮 Tip 2: Humans can’t predict the future. Balance your targets vs. short-term perspectives.

Every team must have a growth strategy and targets, but you simply cannot control every bump in the road, macroeconomic event, or external factor your organization faces. Set annual targets and actions, review + fresh quarterly, and remain accountable to the elements you can control in growth.

  • Jason and Alejandro discuss the delicate balance between holding your team accountable for growth and getting buried by targets. Tune in from 53:50-58:30.
  • Run a MetricMondayTM meeting to keep your team focused on the key actions and metrics driving your organization’s growth. Get the free guide here.

💬 Tip 3: Impact and growth require excellent communication.

Being a great communicator, connecting daily activities to long-term output, and leading with a clear one-page plan are how you can help create sustainable growth.

  • Tune into Jason’s session discussion from 59:00-61:20.
  • Check out Experience Kissimmee’s AMAZING one-page plan as inspiration for communicating your framework for growth. We worked closely with Jason on this, and he has offered to share it with everyone!
  • Download the template for creating a one-page plan so you can clearly articulate your organization’s framework for growth.

Polling Results: 2022 vs 2023 Growth Targets

We ran a poll with our collaborative participants to ask them what their growth perspective was in 2022 versus 2023. The perspectives didn’t change much between those two years, and over half of those polled sought a moderate growth target between 1%-9%.

2022vs.2023 Growth Targets Poll



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