- Strategic Plan
The strategic planning process goes beyond just building a plan. In fact, it’s a series of outcomes that build upon each other to ultimately transform our organization to reach our desired future state. Achieving these outcomes requires everyone in our organization to be on the headed in the same direction with a shared vision.
Our plan is organized by four areas of strategic focus, including Current State, Strategic Direction, Our Roadmap, and Communication and Delivering Results. Each section is a fundamental building blocks of our plan.

Current State: SWOT

Taking time to reflect on your organization’s current state by conducting a SWOT exercise is a primary foundational element in building a strategic plan. It often clarifies key considerations, which need to be carried forward into the planning process, including strategic priorities and core areas of focus.

SWOT: Where Are We Now?

An internal/external analysis is a planning exercise that refers to conducting a comprehensive SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analysis is a quick way of examining our organization by looking at the internal strengths and weaknesses in relation to our external opportunities and threats. By creating a SWOT analysis, we can see all the important factors affecting your organization in one place.






Knowing why we exist (mission), where we want to go (vision), and how we behave (values) is the glue that holds our organization together. Our strategic direction is essential to building our strategic plan and developing a strategy.

Mission Statement: Why do we exist? What is our core purpose?

Our mission statement explains our organization’s core purpose & reason for being. A great mission answers the question, “Why do we come to work each day?” It captures the impact we have on the people, customers, or organizations we serve.

Values Statement: How will we behave?

Our values statement clarifies what our believes in and the behaviors we expect to see as a result.

Vision Statement: Where are we going?

Our vision statement expresses the future state we want to achieve; it articulates a vision of success we are aiming for. All goals, objectives, initiatives and actions are pointing to this north star. A great vision statement is stated in the future tense, and is aspirational while being possible and achievable.

Competitive Advantages: How will we win?

Competitive Advantages are unique qualities, capabilities, or competencies of our organization that allow us to meet the needs of customers better than our competition.

Our competitive advantages are...

  • No positives: please rate some of your SWOT.


With a clear understanding of where we are today and where we’d like to be in the future, our Strategic Goals and Initiatives define the roadmap for our organization to achieve our vision. Our roadmap will follow four balanced scorecard perspectives, including Financial, Customers & Markets, Operational Excellence, and People & Learning.
Strategic Objective #1:

Strategic Objective #2:

Strategic Objective #3:

Strategic Objective #4:

Creating a Culture of Consistent Communication & Delivering Results

Managing your plan means keeping strategy a living, breathing process to ensure goals become reality. A management process fosters clarity in prioritization, coordination, communication, and appreciation for each person’s contribution toward recognizing organizational success. Developing a regular and consistent schedule of reviewing past progress against a plan’s goals, discussing near-term focus and what is needed from one another to stay on-track is critical to successfully achieving an organization’s vision. Creating a plan is hard work, but only half the battle: ensuring implementation is on-track and strategy is regularly discussed (not just at annual planning time) is how good organizations become great.
Our formal time to rollout and communication our plan will be on
Accountability & Ownership:
Individuals that have been identified as initiative owners will be champions and accountable for implementation.
    Manage Performance & Adapt: Our team is committing to managing performance and adapting the strategy as follows:
    Not set, Not set
    Communicate Progress:
    Our team is committing to communicating progress to your team:

    Not set
    Via Communication Method: